The best of the built environment
Enter the Contest
The Art of Building photography competition is an international showcase for the very best digital photography of the built environment.
The Art of Building is now closed for entries.
If you are interested in taking part in the next edition, you can join our mailing list. We will send you updates about future competitions so you never miss the deadline again.
What the Judges Look for
Are the objects in the photo arranged in a meaningful, pleasing manner or are they haphazard? Did the photographer use the best angle or otherwise interesting perspective?
Did the photographer use proper lighting of the subject matter? Do any extremes of darkness or brightness lend to or detract from the image content?
Is the object of the photo in focus? If not in sharp focus, does it appear to be an intentional effect to enhance the image in some artistic way?
Is the photo an obvious illustration of the entered category theme?
Does the photographer display some creative thought or original idea in the making of this image?
Does the photographer's summary adequately describe why the submission delivers the category criteria?

About the competition
Since 2010, The Art of Building has been celebrating the creativity of construction and the built world. If you are an amateur or professional photographer with a passion for the built environment, then why not take part in this year’s competition?