2012 Winners & Finalists

Roof in Colours
Inês Costa
Winner, 2012
That man was building art! It was a temple roof and he was working under a very strong sun. It was very inspiring to see how he was choosing the colours of the tiles and putting each other in the right place.

Sea of Stairs
Clarissa DebenhamThe structure of the stadium is completely on display around the staircases leading to the upper levels. The glass work subtly changes colour as you walk around the stadium, running through every colour of the rainbow.

Kamal KishoreIn the picture labourers line up from bottom to top to pass on building material. The picture looks like artwork and shows building as artwork.

In the Brick Kiln
Phuc NgoThe brick is used in building. Brick architecture is unique.

100 Floors
Tim MartinThis image shows the entire scene around it, from the reflections of hundreds of smaller high-rise structures in the city to the boats in the water in the distance and the people inside of it watching the world below.

Ahana GangopadhyayThis photograph explores the relationship of the old lady and her old wooden house. The wooden door leading into the balcony, and the array of pots and pans, together with the owner in front, add to a fairy tale image.

Shacks, Built out of Necessity
Frank TrimbosShacks are small improvised huts which are usually built on the outskirts of rural areas (townships) in South Africa. The residents are mostly immigrants who moved to the cities looking for work.
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They settle in squatter settlements, sometimes illegal or unauthorized. Squatter settlements are mostly found in developing nations like here in South Africa. The improvised shacks are built using scrap materials: Often plywood, and corrugated metal sheets or plastic.

A Place for Aitor Ortiz
Alfonso BatallaWhat was a warehouse in a sugar factory now looks like an Arabic temple.

Gonzalo AcuñaIt is surprising as the prism rests gently on the brick building.

Faith Keeper
Maksym KhytraThis synagogue survived after the fascist occupation and soviet dictatorship. It's old, neglected and ravaged but it still keeps faith and history.

Eagle Eye
Zheng Hui NgLooks down at a pagoda located at the centre of the Chinese Garden, Singapore. The patent form of the stair looks like an eagle's eye.

Bird's Tower
Mario CardenasA local man standing in front of the bird’s towers in Katara Cultural Village in Doha Qatar, this place is an exceptional project of hope and human interaction.