Highly Commended

Triangles of Light
Mostafa JaafariLight and forms give you space , It is that you need in Architecture

Road Below Rail Above
Gethin ThomasAn unintended sculpture of shape and light and shadow that has stood for over a hundred years.

Castle Drogo
Andrew ButlerFrom the outside this looked like a Christo and Jeanne-Claude sculpture. From inside, the sculpture was a work of art

Ilja C. HendelShowing the basic material and the interaction with humans and animals.

Smash from the Grave
Md Shahnewaz KhanFor build building’s, brick’s is the main significant element. So brick field is play an important role for make brick’s. A worker carrying high loud brick’s from brick field to city, where buildings will built. On my point of view that is an interaction between people and building’s, this is out of focus and I try to Spotlight on this point. They are such a civilization maker.